Friday, August 16, 2013

Why starvation is the worst way to lose weight

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It is not uncommon for people to starve themselves when they want to lose the unwanted pounds. It does sound logical after all. You gain weight from eating too much; eating less should do the opposite. So how come it doesn’t work?

First of all, you must understand how food affects the body. For one, it sates hunger. More importantly, it provides nutrition and energy to the body, allowing you to function properly during the day.

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Carbohydrates are the body’s main source of energy and are used up every time you perform physical activities. Meanwhile, fat is the body’s secondary source of energy. It is what your body uses once your store of carbohydrates is drained. When you take in too much carbohydrates, your body fails to use the excess and stores it as fat, leading to extra weight. When you eat less, your body has no choice but to use your extra fat reserves to function, leading to weight loss.

This, however, is not the case with starvation. When you do not eat or you take meals at irregular intervals, your body enters a so-called “starvation mode,” where your body ensures your survival by storing whatever source of energy you can use in the form of fat even if you don’t really need it.

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Additionally, starvation weakens your metabolism, impairing your capacity to process food. This means that your body burns less fat and carbohydrates. It also weakens your muscles, decreasing your capacity to exercise. When combined, these factors easily lead to weight gain.

Therefore, the best way to lose weight is by eating a balanced and well-designed diet at regular intervals and combining this with exercise. For a comprehensive weight loss strategy, you can also visit a nutritionist or dietician.

Robert Pastore, PhD, specializes in the creation of diet plans for specific purposes. Visit this website for more information about his approach.

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