Monday, May 14, 2012

Robert Pastore on the importance of detoxification

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Robert Pastore is an expert in human nutrition. He has years of experience helping clients deal with their health conditions by designing special dietary plans.

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His areas of include sports nutrition, prenatal support, blood sugar control, weight loss, joint health, detoxification, nutritional supplements, and health maintenance. He believes that diets don’t always work for everyone, and a type of diet that works for one person may not work for another because everyone has a different genetic makeup that directly affects how diets work. Taking into consideration any health issue his clients have, he customizes the dietary plans for those with nutritional issues such as PCOS, Celiac disease, allergies, gastrointestinal discomfort, food intolerance/sensitivities, and those who are concerned with aging.

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Robert Pastore believes that for the body to optimize nutrition absorption, occasional detoxification is required. Detoxification is important because it cleans the body of wastes and other toxic materials that block essential nutrients from getting absorbed and utilized properly by the body. A detox program helps the body’s natural cleaning process by resting the organs through fasting, stimulating the liver to drive toxins from the body, promoting elimination through the intestines, kidneys, and skin, improving blood circulation, and refueling the body with healthy nutrients. Detoxifying at least once a year is recommended. For people with irritated skin, unexplained fatigue, sluggish elimination, allergies, bags under the eyes, a distended stomach, menstrual difficulties, or mental confusion, detoxifying is a great way to get rid of these conditions.

More about Robert Pastore, his clinical expertise, and how he helps people with their nutritional concerns can be found at